Vagus Nerve for Long Covid

The vagus nerve for long covid — hmm… I’m game. Tell me more, I ask –and the media obliges with lots of information that I have paired down to two suggestions.

My sister-in-law (SIL) has been my media editor since I got the plague (Covid) in March 2022. I can’t look at the news — too scary. I can’t research Covid — not as scary as the news, but still frightening. I see the headlines and my chest hurts more. If I’m brave enough to actually read the story, then I could be in pain for the rest of the day or a couple of days. True story. I know my body is reactive but with Covid, it’s reactive times 10.  I deleted my news app to stop the pain. Now, yes, I am blissfully unaware of how much the democrats and republicans are going at each other. If they start a love fest, let me know. Until then, I’ll assume it’s the same old shit.  

I’ve never been so aware of my body’s ability to heal.

Anyway, SIL sends me things that might be helpful for long covid, and not the stuff that will turn me into a puddle of despair. Today’s news from SIL? The link is below — it’s a news piece about stimulation of the vagus nerve for treating Covid symptoms. Cool. Except the FDA hasn’t approved it. No problem. I’ve come up with my own solution. I found this video for vagus nerve massage/stimulation.  

Today has been a particularly rough day with chest pain. I woke up better than usual and am not sure why it went sliding down the long Covid hill. It doesn’t really matter why. The good news is that after doing the massage techniques that I linked up there ^, I feel better. And I’m still doing better. Woohoo!!!

Echinops and Marigold

The echinops is a bit sharp and edgy; kind of like my chest pain this afternoon. Now, it’s feeling more like the soft green that surrounds it. The coolest thing about the echinops? It hasn’t quite bloomed yet. It will go from this sharp-ish looking creature into a soft blue ball of cuddly-ness. Just like my chest pain — sharp to soft. That’s where we’re headed. That’s where we’ll be. 

Today’s Long Covid Headline